Vice Rector

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Thomas Angerer

“Humans as the epicenter” – this is the philosophy of the  GHU  Global Humanistic University. Therefore research at  GHU  is focused on the humanistic mindset. These days science has an important mission. It is to contribute to facing huge challenges and solving current problems in human life.

Para aceptar este importante desafío, la vía humanística sigue los principios de la racionalidad, la ética, la democracia, la autodeterminación, el autogobierno y la responsabilidad personal junto con el respeto honesto de los derechos humanos.

There are a lot of challenges in our world – we, the  GHU  University and the humans building this University and being part of it commit ourselves to accept these challenges in our world and to honestly try to have a share in solving problems in up-to-date human’s life.

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Thomas Angerer
Vice Rector

[email protected]

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