Master of Science ( MSc )
Study Business at GHU
With the fully online Master of Science degree program students acquire a sound theoretical and practical education in business and management. The program provides a global view of organizations and their environment. This course equips the participants with the knowledge and skills that successful leaders need in today's and tomorrow's business world - for only a total of USD 11.900,00.
Pay as you progress. You pay for one course at the beginning (USD 990,00 - before you start), and then gradually per course (nine courses, nine times USD 990,00) and before the Master Thesis USD 2,990.00. You will then have reached the total amount of USD 11.900,00 needed to complete the master program.
The GHU MSc program aims to equip students with in-depth knowledge and understanding of their professional field, informed by current and emerging practice, scholarship, and research, including a critical awareness of current issues and developments in their subject areas and their profession.
They will be provided with the opportunity to develop their ability to apply research to professional situations, both practical and theoretical, and to convince and employ, and critically evaluate a range of subject-specific techniques and research methods applicable to their professional activities as business leaders and senior managers.
The degree program comprises 120 ECTS (or equivalent Credit Points) with a study duration of four semesters (maximum of seven years). You will be enrolled at Global Humanistic University and receive your degree from the Global Humanistic University - for only total USD 11.900,00.
Pay as you progress. You pay for one course at the beginning (USD 990,00 - before you start), and then gradually per course (nine courses, nine times USD 990,00) and before the Master Thesis USD 2,990.00. You will then have reached the total amount of USD 11.900,00 needed to complete the master program.
Contact our study advisor for more information
Tobias Grabner
- Idioma de instrucción en inglés
- Enrolled at the Global Humanistic University
- IGrado académico internacionalmente reconocido
- Tiempo y lugar independientes
- Part-time
- Guiones / conferencias en la sala de seminarios virtuales
- 120 créditos ECTS completos o puntos de crédito equivalentes
- NO se requiere pre estudio
- EInscripción en cualquier momento
- Accredited by AQAS (Germany) and AAC (Curacao)
- Bachelor degree and two years' work experience or
Academic degree and two years’ work experience or
"Master of Science, MSc" is an internationally recognized degree. Upon completion, the degree of Global Humanistic University will be issued with Master of Science (MSc) and graduates may take the title of "MSc".
Business Economics
Business Law
Business Organisation and Management
Financial Management
Human Resource Management
Project Management
Leadership and Team Management
Dependiendo del módulo, se pueden requerir varios exámenes en forma de control y / o tareas de presentación (análisis, estudios de casos, ensayos). Las tareas de envío se pueden solicitar en cualquier momento.
La tesis de maestría es un componente principal del programa de maestría. El trabajo cubre alrededor de 70 a 100 páginas. El tema se puede elegir libremente e, idealmente, debe provenir del entorno laboral de los estudiantes e incluir investigación orientada a la práctica. El tema debe ser acordado con el supervisor y registrado en el departamento de estudio. El tiempo de planificación de la tesis de maestría suele ser de tres a seis meses.
Se pueden reconocer exámenes evaluados positivamente de cursos equivalentes (un máximo de tres módulos = 30 ECTS o puntos de crédito equivalentes). La solicitud de reconocimiento debe presentarse por escrito al registrarse para estudiar. Envíe las descripciones de los módulos recopilados, los certificados y toda la información relevante a la GHU con el asunto "Solicitud de examen del reconocimiento", y lo examinaremos.
El programa de maestría está solicitando la acreditación de la Agencia para la Garantía de Calidad a través de la Acreditación de Programas de Licenciatura (AQAS) y la Agencia de Acreditación de Curazao (AAC).
Todas las actividades e iniciativas de la Global Humanistic University se basan siempre en la UNESCO y en las Directrices para la Comisión de Calidad en Educación Superior Transfronteriza de la OCDE.
This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to gain an in-depth
theoretical knowledge and critical understanding of cutting edge management
thinking. They will develop advanced management and leadership skills through
critical analysis of business issues
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This course assumes that students have some basic knowledge of Statistics. Students must understand at least the concepts:Regression and the normal distribution. This is a Master’s level course: On a masters level students must show that they can add value. It is not enough to merely repeat what is in the prescribed study material.
A basic statistical / numerical literacy is assumed for this course.
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This Course looks at the management of people in organisational contexts in order to create awareness of this key organisational resource. The Course highlights the most important elements and tools human resource (HR) managers can adopt, and discusses ways of maximising their efficacy.
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This Course introduces students to the key marketing tools and processes relevant for small and medium-sized enterprises. It provides an overview of the marketingrelated levers organisations may rely upon when trying to increase levels of competitiveness.
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The course comprises tasks, risks and opportunities of entrepreneurships. The course covers in particular challenges of start-ups and successors. The purpose of this course is to prepare the ground for students to explore entrepreneurship as a desirable and feasible career option. In particular, the course seeks to build the necessary competencies and motivation for a career in entrepreneurship.
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The course comprises concepts and techniques for effective project management. Project Management in detail deals with seeking new methods of planning, organising, and controlling non-routine tasks since managing projects differ in some ways from management of a typical enterprise (“primary organisation”).
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This course is designed to provide students with an advanced understanding of current theory and practice of leadership and team management, including the ethical and intercultural challenges of leadership practice. The Course will entail theoretical as well as more practice-oriented components, allowing students to gain a sound theoretical knowledge combined with practical insights into leadership and team management practice through the discussion of case studies.
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This module provides a systematic understanding of the legal environment that affects commercial operators’ activities. The course provides a details on the concept of compliance, focusing on overall legal and managerial subject matters of cross-sectoral relevance.
The cross-thematic area of compliance represents a core dimension of commercial activity, some of which is specifically applicable to certain legal forms of economic actors, and some of which is of general relevance - both across jurisdictions and with regard to certain transactions and courses of action.
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This module provides a systematic understanding of the legal environment that affects the daily and strategic conduct of business of commercial operators. The course provides a general introduction to modes of compliance, focusing on specific legal subject matters of cross-sectoral relevance.
The cross-thematic topic of compliance is composed of core regulatory areas – which are governed by modes of compliance: Some of these are specifically applicable to certain legal forms of economic operators, some of which are of inter-jurisdictianl relevance, and some are transaction-sensitive.
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