Official Letter
The Higher Education Licensing Board (HELB), Ministry of Education, Government of Anguilla grants the Global Humanistic University AI a License to operate in Anguilla as a private university with awarding power of Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees in the fields of Business Administration, Finance, and Law.
The GHU AI is accredited by the National Accreditation Agency AAC, the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs - ACBSP from the US and the BSc and Mac are accredited by AQAS from Germany!

"The accreditation focuses on recognizing teaching excellence, determining student learning outcomes, ...., which is measured and analyzed for quality, ensures that students gain the right skills from their educational investment. Institutions with programs accredited by ACBSP are committed to continuous improvement that ensures their business program will give students the skills employers want.."

AQAS is an independent and professional agency for external quality assurance in the field of higher education located in Cologne, Germany. AQAS offers international accreditation at program (Bachelor, Master and PhD) and institutional level and has conducted procedures in countries on four continents, e.g. Austria, France, Turkey and Moldova, in Chile, Oman, Kazakhstan, Russia as well as Ghana and Nigeria.
GHU’s Bachelor and Master of Science are accredited by AQAS.

The Accreditation Agency Curacao is a National Accreditation Agency of Curacao, registered by the Ministry of Education. The AAC is member of the CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG) in US, an affiliate member of ENQA and a member of INQAAHE.. To obtain basic membership, the institution has to verify it’s constitution and legal status.

"La Red Internacional de Agencias de Garantía de Calidad en la Educación Superior (INQAAHE) es una asociación mundial de organizaciones activas en la teoría y práctica de la garantía de calidad (QA) en la educación superior (HE).
Los miembros asociados son instituciones u organizaciones de educación terciaria con un gran interés en la evaluación, acreditación y garantía de calidad en la educación superior ... "(; 4. de julio de 2019)

House of Common Library
Global Humanistic University has been listed as a recognized university in The House of Commons paper on "Accessing Higher Education in the UK's Overseas Territories."
Being recognized in such a prestigious publication not only validates our efforts but also underscores the significant impact we are making in the field of education.

Blue Planet
“Climate change is a challenge for mankind. With the climate certificate Blue Planet Certificate, the non-profit nature conservation organization Naturefund is specifically committed to the protection of ecosystems. Intact forests and healthy soils store large quantities of CO2. For Prof. Dr. Radermacher, one of the leading climate researchers, reforestation and humus formation are a central element to climate protection. Naturefund's work has received several awards. Its projects are supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and German Environmental Aid.” (Naturefund, email from: [email protected]; 12.04.2019)
La cantidad de emisiones de CO2 que emite un avión por pasajero para una distancia de vuelo determinada se puede calcular con precisión. El cálculo se basa en datos de consumo promedio para aviones típicos de corta y larga distancia.
La Global Humanistic Universityl está reduciendo considerablemente su huella de carbono al limitar los viajes de estudiantes, personal y profesores a través de su plataforma de aprendizaje a distancia en línea y descentralizada. La cantidad de emisiones de CO2 reducidas se puede ver en el medidor.
La GHU se enorgullece de tener derecho a utilizar este certificado, debido a la estructura e implementación de las políticas de la GHU en relación con los criterios sociales, ambientales y económicos.
World Education Services (WES)
The GHU refers its students to World Education Services (WES) to receive an international academic credential evaluation.
WES can display your educational accomplishments and the programs you have completed with the GHU with a verified report (e.g., degree equivalency) that will be accepted and respected by licensing boards, academic institutions, and employers throughout the U.S. and Canada.
WES evaluates academic credentials from more than 48,000 institutions in 203 countries and territories around the world. WES industry-standard reports are recognized by thousands of academic institutions, licensing bodies, and employers throughout the U.S. and Canada.